Misconceptions in the World of Witchcraft and the Occult
There are many frequently asked questions in our line of work. We complied some of the most common ones in hopes of dispelling myths surrounding witchcraft and witchery.
Q: Do you do black magic?
A: If what you mean is do we seek to cause harm? No. Will we perform a hex or a curse? Maybe. But they are not taken lightly or done without extreme consideration. Remember, if you can’t curse you can’t heal.
Q: Do you worship the Devil?! The Bible says witchcraft and witches are evil.
A: The Bible does not say that. It does reference divination, but not in the context you may expect. No, we don’t worship the Devil. That entity is a construct of the Catholic Church. You can not worship something you do not believe in. We do not believe in the Christian idea of Satan or the Devil. Like Courtney likes to say, “saying witches worship the Devil is like getting angry with a friend for playing with your imaginary friend they didn’t know existed.”
Q: Can you give me a tarot reading and tell me if I will find love or get married?
A: Tarot is a form of divination that unearths the clients subconscious and intuition. Think of them like an inkblot test. There are many layers to unpack before a question like that is answered. Are you dating anyone? Is the relationship healthy? Why do you want to get married? Ironically, Tarot isn’t the “magic” answer you may be looking for. Tarot uncovers the unbiased truth in a situation. Even if you may not like it.
Q: Isn’t witchcraft just a bunch of baloney?
A: Ceremonial magic and spell craft is prayer with intention and your own will power weaved together. If you believe you can do something you can do it. It may sound cliche, but belief is the first ingredient to magic; then comes intent. When performing magic we draw from energy sources. These energy sources can vary depending on the needs of the spell. Magic and witchcraft very much work with the tangible and metaphysical world.
C: I don’t believe in witchcraft.
A: Then give us a piece of your hair…no? Why not?
Q: You reject science don’t you?
A: We believe in “the Science of Art, and the Art of Science.” Science is just as much a part of witchcraft as the metaphysical. We do not reject science, in fact we embrace it. We recommend reading the Trivium and Quadrivium for the “science behind magic”.
Q: Oh you’re a witch! So that means you are Wiccan right?
A: We are not Wiccans. We have an eclectic practice. We have studied Wicca as well as many other neo and traditional Pagan backgrounds. Wicca is a specific type of practice that was founded by Gerald Gardener in the early 1900’s. All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan.
Q: [On a dating platform] Oh you’re a witch? Will you put a spell on me?
A: Yes. Maybe I already have...
Okay, so no we won’t unless you try to seriously harm us and we need to defend ourselves.
We hope this cleared up some questions involving witchcraft and the occult. Please reach out to us with any further questions; we are happy to share our knowledge and experience!
Written by: Dikastiría
Artwork by The Botanic Witch